“Sleek. Sexy. Powerful.” That is the mantra of our newest class here at Indianapolis Pilates by 15 to Fit. “Piloxing” is a new exercise phenomenon in L.A. and is the brain child of Viveca Jensen. Now, we traded some jokes about what exactly “piloxing” means (is it a cross between pillow fighting and boxing?) but in reality it is an intense workout combining Pilates and boxing that is done in a group class setting. Celebrities such as Kirsten Dunst, Heather Morris from Glee, and Haley and Hilary Duff are doing it. Just think, you can be one of the first in Indiana.
Piloxing combines the “power,” agility and strengthening of boxing with the grace, toning and flexibility of Pilates (i.e. the “sleek”). These moves are done in varying intervals, and are complemented by some fun dance moves to bring out the “sexy.” The intense boxing intervals will bring your heart rate up and burn calories (you can burn up to between 400 and 800 per hour class) and the Pilates aspect of the workout will bring the heart rate back down a bit and stretch, tone and lengthen those muscles. The class is done barefoot (so no fancy footwear required) and utilizes lightly weighted gloves that can be purchased at the studio. We also incorporate a mat workout to cool down and will provide yoga mats for that part of the program (or you can bring your own if you like).
The class is led by one of our lovely instructors, Anne Hasbrook, who is one of only two certified Piloxing instructors in Indiana! And we have her! Our first class is scheduled for Tuesday May 3rd at 6 p.m. and we expect to continually add more as demand grows. Contact us to schedule your class.
For more information, check out piloxing.com and these recent articles from Harper’s Bazaar, In Touch, Redbook, and People. And if you would like to see a video of one of Viveca’s classes to see what’s in store for you, click here.
So now that you know all about “Piloxing” and have scheduled your class, for a giggle, what else can we come up with to combine “Pilates” with? “Pilooking” (Pilates and Cooking)? “Pilurfing” (Pilates and Surfing)? “Pilopping” (Pilates and Shopping)? “Pilunting” (Pilates and hunting)? “Pilyaking” (Pilates and kayaking)? “Pi-latte” (Pilates and waiting in line at Starbucks?) Please share if you come up with something cute! You know, laughing is one of the best exercises for your core!