Foundational Reformer Training

*35 Hour Program

1st Step:

  • Training Introductory Private $49

$349 per month/ for two Months
What you receive:

  • Access to Foundational Mat & Foundational reformer videos and manuals
  • Private Teaching Sessions by Master Instructor
    1. One Administrative Private Session
    2. One private session for Energy series
    3. One private session for Toning series
    4. One private session for Mobility series
    5. One private session for Equipment and Safety evaluation with Energy, Tone and Mobility marking workout
  • One Administrative Private to set up practice teaching
  • Final Evaluation session

Weekly Group Check-In and Assignment Completion


  • Requirement: 5 hours of self-practice outside of class sessions.
    • At least 4 hours must be completed after private sessions.


  • Requirement: 10 hours of observation.
    • Observations must be logged, and a form must be filled out for each session.

Practice Teaching

  • Requirement: 10 hours of teaching practice.
    • Must teach at least 2 different people over a period of 3 weeks.